Three's Not a Crowd Read online


  A Halloween Trick set in the world of


  Trick or Treating’s not just for kids this year!

  Doreen DeSalvo



  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * * *

  This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable.

  Three’s Not a Crowd

  Doreen DeSalvo

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Loose Id LLC

  1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924

  Carson City NV 89701-1215

  Copyright © October 2007 by Doreen DeSalvo

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

  ISBN 978-1-59632-289-9

  Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

  Printed in the United States of America

  Cover Artist: April Martinez

  Chapter One

  Five minutes before Kate had to leave her office, the phone rang.

  Damn. Picking it up could mean more work. Tonight of all nights, she didn’t want to be late. Stop. Stop ringing. She stared at the phone through a second ring. Then a third.

  Conditioning won out. She picked up the receiver. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby.”

  A smile curled her lips. Another conditioned response -- smiling at the sound of Jake’s voice. “Hi. Are you running late?”

  “No questions.”

  At the hint of a threat in his voice, a shiver ran down the back of her neck. She eyed the open door; no one was in sight, but she lowered her voice to a whisper just in case. “Yes, Master.”

  “I have a special treat planned for you tonight, baby. I’m going to surprise you at the party.”

  Her jaw dropped. He couldn’t possibly plan to do anything of a sexual nature at a formal Halloween costume party. He’d made a big deal out of getting tickets for a “mainstream” event instead of the bondage parties they usually attended.

  He’d taught her better than to protest. “Whatever you want, Master.”

  “Good girl. Have you been wondering why I keep refusing to talk about your costume? Why I won’t tell you what I plan to wear?”

  Of course she’d wondered. “Yes.”

  “I’m going to meet you at the party. If you spot me first, you’ll get a special treat.”

  Her lips curved. Did he honestly think he could disguise himself? Jake would probably wear a plain suit with a mask -- she’d pick him out in a heartbeat. “And if you spot me first?”

  “If I win, you’ll get a trick.” A deep chuckle tickled her ear. You might like a trick better than a treat. Isn’t that right, baby?”

  “You know me too well.” With her free hand, she opened her desk drawer and pulled out her purse. She didn’t want to be late.

  “I’ll see you there. And baby?”

  “Yes, Master?”

  “No underpants.”

  The line went dead with a click.

  Chapter Two

  The best thing about wearing a long, poufy skirt was that no one could see her sensible shoes. Kate shifted her weight onto the ball of one foot and wriggled her toes. Thank goodness she’d worn low-heeled sandals. She’d be in agony if she had to stand in high heels all night. Besides, princesses deserved to be comfortable. With one hand, she smoothed down the pink satin skirt of her costume, adjusting a fold over the voluminous petticoats underneath. Jake would probably expect her to be wearing something shockingly skimpy, not a demure satin dress with puffed sleeves and a tiara.

  A couple nearby shifted, blocking her view of the door. She took two steps to the right so she could see around them. The room was crowded with couples dancing and huge topiary plants in gigantic urns, but with her back to a potted plant against one wall, she had a clear view of the wide double doors leading into the hotel ballroom. She wasn’t about to let Jake sneak in and come up behind her.

  A tiny woman on the arm of a much taller man appeared in the brightly lit doorway. The overhead lights were dimmed, the hallway beyond the open doors so bright that everyone who entered appeared in silhouette. Even so, Jake wasn’t going to slip in without her seeing him. The silly bet she’d made with Jake was going to be fun even if she lost -- but pride demanded she win.

  At least she didn’t have to follow the couple until her eyes could make out their features. Jake would be entering stag. Behind the couple, a broad-shoulder man looked from left to right, scoping out the room. Jake? It might be him, with those massive shoulders and the restless way he tossed his head. Jake had the same habit of shaking his hair back from his forehead. The man didn’t wear a mask, but from this distance and with the light behind his head, she couldn’t make out his features.

  Her gaze followed the man as he worked his way to her side of the room. Now that he was closer, she could see even in the dim light that he was a bit too thin to be Jake, even though his shoulders were broad and his chest looked wide and strong. He looked a little restless in his conservative suit, shifting his shoulders as though wishing the material of the jacket would stretch a little more. Jake had that same habit, an air of discontent whenever he had to wear confining clothes instead of the denim and T-shirts he preferred.

  Not Jake, but handsome nevertheless. She’d always been attracted to men with distinctive features. With that high forehead, pouty lips, and distinctive nose, he could be a Hollywood celebrity. He certainly had the good looks and the same air of confidence.

  Sensuous lips curved upward, and she followed them up to riveting gray-blue eyes. Her pulse sped up as his gaze caught hers. She looked away, but not before the hair on her arms stood up as though an electric current had slid over her instead of a handsome man’s glance.

  Whew. The ballroom wasn’t hot, but her skin heated nevertheless. Better concentrate on the doorway or she’d miss Jake’s arrival. She stared at the entryway again, but a hand on her bare elbow made her jump.

  The stranger was beside her, standing entirely too close. “Hello, there.”

  Her back went stiff. Did he think a smile made her eager for a pickup? “I’m waiting for someone.”

  He chuckled. “You won’t get rid of me that easily. I like the challenge of a rude woman.”

  A rush of heat filled her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.” If Jake found her with another man, what would he do? Lately she’d been…not bored, no one could ever call Jake Monroe boring…but comfortable. She missed that old dangerous feeling, the unpredictable, walking-on-eggshells feeling that Jake had given her when their relationship was new and she had no idea of his limits.

  But she knew this was one of his limits. If Jake saw her flirting with another man, he’d be sure to punish her in a way that would shock and excite her.

  “How gracious of you to apologize
.” The stranger smiled down at her, flashing even white teeth. What would it feel like to have those perfect teeth clamp down on her nipple? Mmm. A shiver shook her back.

  She’d never cheat on Jake, but there was no harm in flirting with tall, dark and handsome while she waited for him to show up. “I should warn you.” She leaned closer, as though sharing a confidence, and caught a whiff of his spicy cologne. Jake never wore scent. “My very macho boyfriend is the jealous type.”

  Another brilliant smile. “And you love to tease him, don’t you?”

  Kate pretended to pout. “I think you’re insulting me.”

  “Not at all. I can tell you’re the kind of lady who likes a macho display of jealousy.”


  He quirked an eyebrow. “Does this boyfriend of yours let you get away with it?”

  Hardly. “Sometimes.” She sounded like a ditz, repeating herself in that ridiculously coy voice. But her companion leaned closer, as though enthralled by her banal responses.

  His long fingers stroked her cheek, the pads lightly calloused. A man this beautiful and erudite couldn’t possibly do physical labor for a living, but those light calluses, that hint of masculine roughness, made her pussy tingle as though her clit was connected to the nerve endings in her cheek.

  “I’d never let my queen stand alone at a party. Where’s Prince Charming?”

  “He’s meeting me here.”

  “No escort? Tsk, tsk. Someone else might sweep you up on his charger.”

  Okay, the medieval images were getting a little trite. Before she could speak Jake appeared over his shoulder, bearing down on them with a glare that made her quiver in tantalizing fear. She put one trembling hand on the stranger’s forearm, feeling the solid muscles under his suit. Despite his professional demeanor, his body felt as well-muscled as Jake’s. “He’s behind you.”

  Jake was there before the stranger could look, glowering down at them. He was the same height as the other man, but broader and somehow more threatening, like a storm cloud about to burst.

  Her companion turned to him with aplomb. “You must be the fair lady’s Prince Charming.”

  Jake ignored him, glaring down at her hand where it rested on the stranger’s arm. Nervously, she lifted her fingers, but the man pressed them back down. His hand was smooth in marked contrast to his fingertips. What an incongruous thought! His fingers exerted firm pressure, a little warning.

  Jake’s nostrils flared. In another minute, he’d hit the guy. This was an elegant party, a hundred dollars a ticket, but that wouldn’t stop a man like Jake. For the first time she noticed that he’d dressed for the occasion, in a black Ninja costume with an ornamental sword at his side. He looked angry enough to use it, too.

  She should step in. It’s what Good Girl Kate would do. Step in, diffuse the situation, smooth over the uncomfortable anger.

  Not this time.

  Secretly, she loved Jake’s machismo. If he had to fight for her, he’d drag her off and show her who was boss. Give her a rousing good fuck the minute he got her alone.

  She shifted her weight, leaning closer to the stranger. “Hi, Jake. I found someone to keep me company while I waited for you.” Good, her voice hadn’t betrayed her excitement.

  Jake’s frown turned into a humorless smile. “Have you forgotten that I own you, baby?”

  Her heart skipped a beat, but she tossed her head in defiance. Unfortunately, with her hair in a French twist, the gesture lacked a little drama. “I’m a princess tonight. Not your baby.”

  Jake reached out and gripped her forearm, pulling her hand off the other man’s arm. “Princess or not, you’re still my possession.”

  The other man didn’t say a word. Wimping out already?

  Jake pulled her closer, wrapping a strong arm around her lower back until she was bent backwards, looking up into his angry face. Her knees almost melted on the spot.

  His gaze moved up to her tiara. “Even princesses get punished when they act like spoiled brats.”

  Without another word, he took her hand and pulled her behind the huge planted urn at her back, along the narrow aisle between the lavish ballroom decorations and the exterior wall of the room. A wide-eyed waiter carrying a tray of champagne glasses gave a start and leapt to one side as Jake tugged her along.

  Her breath came faster, lungs tight with exertion and excitement. Even in low heels, it was hard to keep up with Jake’s near-running pace.

  At the corner, the open space widened to a large square. Jake stopped and gave her a hard stare.

  “We’re not in a bondage club, baby. The people right on the other side of those potted ferns don’t know the rules of the game.”

  They were palm trees, but she knew better than to correct her Master in this kind of mood. What did he want her to say? To be on the safe side, she gave a demur nod. “I know.”

  But even though a narrow row of decorative plants and a thin Japanese-themed screen separated them from the ballroom, anyone could come along. A waiter, or the man she’d flirted with.

  A stack of chairs stood against one wall, extras from the tables set up inside the ballroom. With one strong arm, Jake hefted a chair off the stack and swung it to the floor, then sat down and pulled Kate facedown over his lap.

  He couldn’t possibly mean to --

  Before she could protest, he swept her satin skirt up, baring her legs and exposing the lacy thong she’d worn in defiance of his earlier command not to wear underwear.

  He drew a line along the top band of elastic. “Now you’re really gonna get it.” His voice came out a low growl.


  The first slap set her senses reeling. He’d never spanked her in such a public place. In a bondage club, yes, but that was different.



  His hand met her bottom with no hesitation. Each stinging blow warmed her tender ass and sent quivers of arousal to her pussy. Would someone hear? She turned her head to look between the potted plants in terror. They could get arrested for this. Or humiliated, at the very least. The thought sent her passion skyrocketing. Everyone would know that she let Jake treat her this way. That she craved his pain, his passion, his dominance.

  She bit her lip to stifle a moan and dropped her gaze to the floor. Oh, god. A pair of expensive wing tips stepped into her vision. An audience. Her face burned as hot as her bottom, but Jake’s spanking hand only increased in intensity. She squeezed her eyes tight.

  “You want some of this ass?” Jake grunted, voice thick with exertion.

  Was he offering her to another man? No way. He’d let other men touch her, but he’d never stand by and let another man fuck her. Jake wasn’t the type to share.

  “You can see that I do.”

  At the smooth, familiar voice, she gasped and turned her head, straining to look up at the man she’d flirted with. A huge bulge in the front of his pants made her throat go dry.

  “Show her what you’ve got,” Jake ordered.

  To her shock, the man brought long fingers to his fly. Even over the music and chatter of the crowd just a few feet away, his zipper sounded loud in their secluded corner. He reached in and pulled out a cock so thick it made her groan. She’d never seen anything like it. Jake was longer, but this man was as thick as her fist.


  Her head bucked with the sudden slap.

  “You like that cock, baby?”

  He’d trained her to tell the truth, so she nodded.

  “He’ll fill you good.” A finger dipped between her thighs, pushing the string of her thong against her clit. “You want that cock here, baby? Right here, where anyone could see?”

  Her throat burned when she swallowed. “Yes,” she whispered.

  There was no harm in admitting it. Jake would never let --

  “Come here. She’ll give you a blow job.”

  She stiffened even as cream leaked over her pussy lips. Jake’s hands were on her hips, turning her, lowering her to th
e floor. She knelt between his knees, but her long skirt was caught on Jake’s thighs. When she reached to pull down the fabric and cover herself, Jake lightly slapped at her hand.

  “No. Your legs stay bare. I want a hand on your pussy while you suck this guy off.”

  She looked into Jake’s eyes. Everything faded away -- the noise of the crowd, the man standing with his cock exposed, the heat of her behind -- everything faded except Jake’s piercing, compelling eyes.

  “You’ll suck him off because I want you to. Won’t you, baby?”

  God, yes. She nodded and turned back to the man, sitting back on her heels so her chin was level with his opened fly.

  The anonymous man came closer, his enormous cock waggling inches from her face. Behind him, behind the ephemeral screen of palm trees, a woman’s laugh trilled. “Can you believe it, Jenny?” Kate stiffened. The voice was so close…mere footsteps away from her bared ass.

  “They might see you, baby,” Jake crooned. “See you with a stranger’s cock in your throat. See what a nasty, kinky girl you really are.”

  Only Jake brought out her wild, restless, kinky streak. Heart thumping, she nodded obediently. “Yes, Master. I’ll suck his cock for you. If it would please you.”

  Chapter Three

  Jake had never been so proud of her. Oh, he’d been angry at first, seeing her smiling up at this desk jockey. She knew better than to taunt him. Did she think he was a tamed man, just because he was living with her? Time for another lesson in what it meant to be his sub. He’d won the bet, and now he’d give her a trick she’d never forget.

  Seeing her sweet, reddened ass in the air deflated the worst of his anger. Seeing her lick her pretty lips took care of the rest. He braced her back against his arms, holding her as she craned her neck, opening wide as the stranger butted her mouth with the head of his cock.

  Watching her swallow another man’s dick made his own cock hard as granite. She did it for him, to please him, and not for any other reason. And to do it in public, with her ass exposed and bearing the mark of his hand, with people less than three feet away…that showed how much she wanted to please him. How much she belonged to him.